Inverters And Their Role In Factory Automation

Posted On 15 Oct 2024

The Inverter

An inverter, or variable speed drive (VSD) is used in factory automation to control a few things on the AC (Alternating Current) motor – speed, torque, and direction. Inverters work by adjusting the frequency and voltage of the power supplied to the motor.

How Inverters Control AC Motors

Rectification: The inverter first converts incoming AC power into DC (Direct Current). This is done through a process called rectification.

DC to AC Conversion: After rectification, the inverter converts the DC back into a controlled AC output using pulse-width modulation (PWM) or other switching techniques, producing variable frequency and voltage supply to the motor. This grants control over speed and torque.

Motor Speed Control: The motor speed is directly influenced by the frequency of the AC power supply. Low frequency results in slower motor speeds while high frequency results in faster motor speeds. Hence, inverters allow the motor to run at various speeds depending on operational needs.

Voltage Regulation: The inverter also regulates voltage to maintain efficient motor operation, ensuring that the variations of speed and torque does not overload or damage the motor.

Role Of Inverters In Factory Automation

Energy Efficiency: By controlling the motor to run only as fast as needed, inverters help to save energy, especially in systems like pumps and fans.

Process Control: Inverters provides precise speed control that is useful for conveyors, packaging, and other systems where speed accuracy is important.

Soft Start: Inverters operate by gradually increasing motor speed, reducing wear and tear and preventing power surges within the motor.

Multi-motor control: Some inverters can control more than one motor at a time, making the system more flexible.

Speak With Us

Hikari Automation Systems is a leading automation devices and components provider in Singapore that boasts a long-standing reputation in the region for over 30 years. We are specialists in factory automation and inverter technology. Speak with us to find out more about the brands of inverter we carry and our solutions of integrating them into your operations.  

We carry inverters from leading brands like Mitusbishi Electric, Fuji Electric and Hitachi, and our experienced team will be able to advise you on how to integrate inverters into your systems.